Saturday, February 21, 2009

Back on Track

Well, I lost a couple more of my Florida pounds! I went for a walk and stuck to the Spark diet, so that did the trick! I'm almost back to what I was when I left for Florida. If I'm lucky and work really hard, maybe I'll get to my January weight goal!

Mike is supposed to bring the girls over today. I have some stuff from Florida for them and also Lynzi's birthday presents from Valerie and me. I'm thinking of asking him if I can go home with him and spend the night. I'd like to get away for the night. I don't understand why Rick kind of "shuts down" on me at times, but I guess it's one of those things I have to just take. He's done this a few times before,so maybe it's just something in him. I just have to hope he's not falling out of love with me. I love him, and it would hurt so much to lose him. Even though we've never met in real life.

Miles and Kayla asked me to stay, rent-free, so I'm going to try it for awhile. But if we start fighting again, I'll still leave. If they had to pay a babysitter, it would be more than the rent I was paying, so I think I'm earning my keep. But I'm not going to spend the last years of my life miserable. I'm going to try to make some changes. Kayla's right about me making a hermit of myself, maybe that's why she doesn't respect me. So I'm going to try to spend the night at Mike's once in awhile to have time with the girls. When Kayla is around, everything is controlled by her, and I want to feel comfortable with the girls. They're growing up, and I want to know them as well as I do Dylan. Also, if I keep more active, maybe I won't be so prone to "suffocate" Rick.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Valerie and Me

This is the photo Valerie and I had taken at Sears the same time we had our group photo. It's terrible of me, I really look old and fat. But Valerie looks pretty, doesn't she? I sent a copy to Rick, and he said it was a good picture, but I think he was just being nice. And last night, he signed off without saying anything. I hate it when he does that, I never know why - did he get booted? He had said earlier that he was going to go offline to do some searches, but I don't know why he signed off without saying anything. We've been getting along so good, I don't understand. Was he that turned off by my picture? Maybe I should ask him.

On the brighter side, I did lose almost 3 pounds back of the 6 pounds I gained in Florida. So I'm not going to let my depression send me into a tailspin. I've been depressed ever since I got back from Florida, and this doesn't help.

Today, I don't have any money, but I'm going to at least go for a walk to get out of the house. And do some scrapping, I need to do one layout a day to meet my quota. Scrapping always helps me get over the blues.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I'm BACK!!!

Well, I made it back! I'm feeling kind of sad, because it was so nice to be with my family. I got to spend a lot of time with them, and it's so nice and laid-back in Florida. Dad is feeling so much better, and I got to know my half-brother Donnie a lot better. This picture is the family picture we had taken while we were there. I'm so glad we got it done, and dad and Carla paid for it all - which we hadn't planned on, but it was so nice of them.

One thing I'm going to try to do now is try to make myself get out more, instead of staying in the house all the time. So every morning, I'm going to post to my blog and make a plan to do something - even it's only to go to the store or take Dylan to the park.

Today, I'll start out with going to the store.