Saturday, January 10, 2009

Arctic Blast 2008

The media called our snowstorm The Arctic Blast, but the snow storm made for some wonderful pictures. This is a layout I did showing Dylan and Miles outside on December 21. They were having a wonderful time!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Lynzi 2008-09

Sarah finally gave me Lynzi's school pictures! So here she is, isn't she adorable? That little grin is her father all over!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My dad's birthday is January 8, the same as Elvis. So I made a birthday card that says happy birthday KING. (I don't know why the h in happy doesn't show up in the picture.) That's dad's head on the caricature.) On the inside of the card, it says, "I hear Elvis had a birthday too. Sending you a Hunka Hunka BIRTHDAY LOVE."

Monday, January 5, 2009

Caught in the act - sleeping it off - even Dylan, who was allowed to stay up for New Year's Eve with me and was up for the fireworks. Miles and Kayla took Valerie out to the American Legion, and must have had a pretty good time, to judge by how tired they were in these pictures!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Goodbye to 08

Here's a layout I did as a challenge for my S2L team at Spark People. It's a collage I made from pictures from 2008. It will be going in my 2008 Year Scrapbook.