Saturday, November 3, 2007

Making Brownies

Mike made brownies for the girls, and here they are licking the bowl--the best part!!! They're staying an extra night, and everyone is having a nice time.

We Survived a Bad Day

Tonight, my grandaughters and their dad (my son) spent the night here. That part was great, but the reason they were here wasn't.

Last Monday, Sarah, my ex-daughter-in-law, called and asked if I would like to have my grandaughters to spend the night on Friday (tonight). Of course I said yes, even though I knew this was her weekend to have the girls. I didn't find out until a couple days later that she had picked that night to marry the guy she left Mike for after cheating on him for months. Mike's brother, Miles, told me I should refuse to watch them, but I told him that would hurt the girls more than anyone. When Mike found out, he called me and said he'd like to spend the night here with the girls, so of course I was glad to say yes. But all of us think that it was pretty cold of Sarah to call me and want me to keep her kids so she could marry this woman-beater. The ironic thing is that her whole family stayed away except for her mother and her brother.

Sarah called and asked to speak to the girls this afternoon to tell them that she is an Utley now (the name of her new husband). I told the girls that my parents had divorced when I was their age, and you can still love a stepfather even though you love and are loyal to your real father. I hope I helped them. Mike wasn't happy--the divorce only became final about a month ago, and her new husband had beaten her up only a few weeks ago, but he seemed to be okay and glad to be with his kids. So we made it through the night. And Mike made it through this last year, and hasn't had a drink since 4th of July. And he's found a church that is really helping him. So I'm praying that God will help us get through all this.

Friday, November 2, 2007

I've Been Tagged

Five Things on my To Do List for Today:

1. Take my grandaughters to the park.
2. Get back with Flylady--I've been a bad girl lately!
3. Laundry.
4. Clean out fridge.
5. Help my son get through tonight (his ex-wife is getting married today.)

Five Snacks I enjoy:

1. Cheese
2. Popcorn
3. Sour Cream & Cheddar potato chips.
4. Ice Cream.
5. Popcycles.

Five songs I know the lyrics to:

1. Take it Easy by the Eagles.
2. Theme to Sponge-Bob Squarepants.
3. Witchy Woman by the Eagles.
4. You are My Sunshine (My grandma sang it to me, and I sang it to my children and grandchildren)
5. I Saw Her Standing There by the Beatles.

Five of my bad habits:

1. Procrastination.
2. I like to drink wine a teensy little more than it's healthy for me.
3. Too much time surfing the net.
4. Very disorganized.
5. I don't exercise as much as I should.

Five things I'd do if I were a millionaire:

1. Pay off my debts.
2. Pay off my children's debts.
3. Buy myself a house.
4. Give money to my kids so they could buy a house.
5. Travel.

Five things I will never wear again:

1. Revealing clothes (there's too much of me to reveal!)
2. High heels (my feet & back won't allow it)
3. Anything that makes me feel ugly.
4. Horn-rimmed glasses.
5. Anything torn or stained.

Five of my favorite toys:

1. My computer.
2. My camera.
3. My DVR.
4. My scrap punches.
5. My scrap distressing ink.


1. Fred
2. My sister Judy
3. My daughter Valerie.
4. JanTGrits
5. bluegumsmith

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween Hangman

Halloween Hangman created by The Dimension's Edge, Inc.