Thursday, December 13, 2007

I'm Dark Orchid

Here's a "color quiz" to take. Turns out I'm dark orchid--Don't really like that color, but you know, a lot of the time I don't like me either. This really describes me pretty well; I'll definitely try to do a layout with this color - if I can find some paper of that color!

the html color quiz

Here's what mine said:

Your dominant hues are blue and magenta. You're the one who goes to all the parties but doesn't quite fit in at every one... you know what you want, but are afraid of what the world might think of it. You're a little different and that's okay with them, and if you're smart it's okay with you too Your saturation level is higher than average - You know what you want, but sometimes know not to tell everyone. You value accomplishments and know you can get the job done, so don't be afraid to run out and make things happen. Your outlook on life is brighter than most people's. You like the idea of influencing things for the better and find hope in situations where others might give up. You're not exactly a bouncy sunshine but things in your world generally look up